Study with disability
There are still many barriers to overcome for students with disabilities. As diverse as the forms of disability are, so are the challenges that need to be overcome. In addition to studying, which comes with certain guidelines and performance expectations and also has to be financed, health needs must not be neglected. We will be happy to advise and support you in this regard.
With us you get:
- Student Financing
- Support services
- contact persons
- other contact points
Please ask Ms. Migula for personal advice.
Further Informationen
- Advice on studying with impairments form the University of Paderborn
The University of Paderborn is actively committed to supporting students with health impairments, chronic illnesses or disabilities in their studies in such a way that they can participate in higher education on an equal footing and in a self-determined manner. - Page of the supplementary independent participation consultation
The EUTB® is committed to strengthening the self-determination of people with disabilities and people at risk of disability. - Page of the Lebenshilfe Kreisverband Paderborn e. V.
The Lebenshilfe Kreisverband Paderborn e.V. is committed to helping people with disabilities exercise their right to self-determination and participation in social life and promotes the encounter of people with and without disabilities in the district of Paderborn.