Financing options (besides BAföG)
Are you wondering whether you can (still) afford to study?
For many prospective students, the question of financing is a decisive factor to the decision to start studying. But even during your studies, this topic can suddenly become relevant if unforeseen events occur, or if your studies turn out differently than planned. Our consulting service supports you in gathering information on the various financing options and in finding individual solutions for you.
With us you get
- Parental maintenance
- Jobbing
- Scholarships
- Loans/Credits
- Social benefits
- Hardship applications
- other financial aids
Please ask Ms. Migula for personal advice.
Further Informationen
- Study-financing-Check from Studis online
Here you can get a rough overview of various benefits that you can claim (partly under certain conditions) during your studies. - Website of the Begabtenförderungswerke
The aim of the Begabtenförderungswerke is to support students and young researchers with special talents (mainly through scholarships). - Information about the Deutschlandstipendium at the website of the BMBF
With the Deutschlandstipendium, the German government and private sponsors jointly support committed and talented students. - General information about scholarships on the website
Questions about scholarships are answered here. Which scholarships are available? Who can receive a scholarship? How do you apply for a scholarship? And much more. - Anonymous and free quick check
The Stipendium-O-Mat is an anonymous and free offer from the Elternkompass of the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw) for students and prospective students. The scholarship-O-Mat helps with orientation in the scholarship landscape. There you will also find further contact details for a free telephone consultation.