Important contacts
Counseling services
For exchange students or for students wishing to study abroad:
ASV (Ausländische Studierenden-Vertretung)
Ausländische Studierenden-Vertretung ASV (International Student Union)
The ASV is a project of the University of Paderborn that represents all the international students. It doesn’t matter whether you are an enrolled full-time student, just taking a German course or awaiting your admission acceptance for the University of Paderborn, the ASV can be very helpful to you.
International Office Paderborn
The International Office is in charge both of students seeking a degree at the University of Paderborn and of exchange students from partner universities.
Hamm and Lippstadt
International Office HSHL
Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences has a network of contacts with contact persons at universities and companies abroad. First co-operations with China, Brazil, Turkey, Poland and Austria are already established.