Tutors in Vogeliusweg

As tutors, we are your contacts for all aspects of orientation in your new home.

You can contact us if you want to know where to do your laundry or shop, where the nearest bus stop is, how to open an account here and much more. You can also come to us if you have problems with other tenants or if you simply need a listening ear.

We would like to strengthen social interaction in the residential complex and, in addition to fixed office hours, we will also always offer great events for you - be it cooking events, excursions, barbecuing together or a game or film evening in the StudySpace.

Many greetings from Neda, Muhammad, Levin and Junaid


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  • Neda Enkhtur

  • Neda Enkhtur

  • Junaid Akhter

  • Junaid Akhter

  • Muhammad Wahaj Murtaza

  • Muhammad Wahaj Murtaza

  • Levin Schröer

  • Levin Schröer