Foodsharing makes a big difference
The Studierendenwerk Paderborn participates in the voluntary initiative Foodsharing.
Foodsharing collects leftover baked goods from the Picknick and Bona Vista every day shortly before closing time. The food is distributed privately through so-called "fair sharers" and various drop-off locations. For some pick-ups, Foodsharing also cooperates with social institutions such as the KIM and other institutions in order to provide food to those in need. In the HSHL canteens (Mensa Atrium and Mensa Basilica), Foodsharing picks up all leftover prepared food every day.
Furthermore, the Studierendenwerk Paderborn informs catering customers that leftover food from caterings can be picked up by Foodsharing.
The volunteer initiative saves food from the trash and sees itself as an addition to the food banks by rescuing food where it is not possible for the food banks. In Paderborn, more than 180 food savers are involved on a voluntary basis. Foodsharing exists throughout Germany and also in other European countries.