Welcome to CampusBattles!

Ready for something new? The CampusBattles of Studierendwerk Paderborn start in the winter semester for the first time! The student councils and initiatives of the University of Paderborn compete against each other in 5 to 6 exciting battles per semester in the Grill|Café. Each team collects team points in all battles continuously throughout the winter and summer semesters.

The registration phase for online registration is completed. However, it is still possible to register in person at the Grill|Café. Please speak to Mr. Thiele-Kupsch directly at the checkout.

The CampusBattles in the winter semester 2024/2025:

TueNov 12, 2024
from 6:00 p.m.
Battle 1:Pub games (darts, table football, puzzles, nails)
WedNov 27, 2024
from 6:00 p.m.Battle 2:
Casino games (roulette, Texas Holdem, Blackjack, Craps)
MonDec 9, 2024from 6:00 p.m.Battle 3:ChristmasBattles at halftime with games such as “In der Weihnachtsbäckerei”, “Schluckengelchen”, “Schneeballschlacht” and much more
TueJan 14, 2025from 6:00 p.m.Battle 4:
Wii games
ThuJan 23, 2025from 6:00 p.m.Battle 5: Deduction games (“The Werewolves of Millers Hollow”)
TueJan 28, 2025from 6:00 p.m.Battle 6:
Board games (classic board games)

Results table (as of November 15, 2024)

PosStudent council/initiativePts
1FS Chemie12
2FS Maschinenbau11
2FS Elektrotechnik11
3FS International Business Studies10
4FS Kunst & Textil9
4FS Mathematik/Informatik9
4FS Ernährung, Konsum und Gesundheit9
5FS Populäre Musik und Medien8

The finale

Only the 10 best teams advance to the final and then battle for the final victory in the outdoor Summer Battles in the 2025 summer semester. Look forward to mega action with speed grilling, flip-flopping, live music, cocktails and BBQ.

Your team win

Your team won the SummerBattles in the final? Then we will prepare a unique free beer party for your team with 300 liters of free beer and 100 liters of non-alcoholic drinks, including a DJ set. The Student Union provides the Grill|Café including staff. The Josefs Brewery sponsors the free beer and BOHO-OFFICE sponsors the DJ and the system.

Your registration

The registration phase for online registration is completed. However, it is still possible to register in person at the Grill|Café. Please speak to Mr. Thiele-Kupsch directly at the checkout.

Conditions of participation for the battles


What are the Battles?

At the CampusBattles of Studierendenwerk Paderborn, the student councils and initiatives of the University of Paderborn compete against each other in 5 to 6 exciting battles per semester in the Grill|Café. Each team collects team points in all battles continuously throughout the winter and summer semesters.

How do I register?

The registration phase for online registration is completed. However, it is still possible to register in person at the Grill|Café. Please speak to Mr. Thiele-Kupsch directly at the checkout.

Why should I take part?

On the one hand, because it's fun and will enrich campus life and life in the Grill|Café, and freshmen in particular can quickly make new acquaintances here, even beyond their own course of study. On the other hand, you are doing something good for your student council or initiative. Because student council work is voluntary work and an active party is a nice appreciation and thank you for everyone who has volunteered during the semester. By participating you are promoting volunteer work. If you take part, you and your team have the chance to have a unique free beer party for your team with 300 liters of free beer, including a DJ set. Be there and show what you're made of! Your skills. Your team. Your victory.

Will I be in every battle? How do I find out?

For the preliminary round battles, the student councils send small teams from the student council to the competitions in the Grill|Café. The results of each battle are published on a game board and the table continues until the end of the semester. Only the 10 best teams advance to the final and battle it out for the final victory in the outdoor summer battles in the 2025 summer semester. Look forward to mega action with speed grilling, flip-flopping, live music, cocktails and BBQ.

Is my student council registered? How and by when does this person register?

You can find out whether your student council is registered on the Battles Board, where the participating student councils and initiatives are listed.

Do I have to add myself to a student council?

No, we trust that the information you provide in the registration form is correct, because here you have to indicate which student council or initiative you belong to.

Is there a captain?

No, team captains are not required. At most, a team captain might be needed on the day of the event for the Christmasbattles or Summerbattles. However, this is easily implemented directly on the day of the event.

I would like to take part next semester?

The CampusBattles should become a permanent cultural highlight on campus and be repeated every year. Participation is always possible until the registration deadline for the respective winter semester.

What can I win?

The main prize is a unique free beer party for your team with 300 liters of free beer, including a DJ set. Studierendenwerk Paderborn provides the Grill|Café including staff. Josefs Brauerei sponsors the free beer and BOHO-OFFICE sponsors the DJ and the system. Of course, we will also come up with a little surprise for the team winners one evening.

Does this cost me anything?

No, participation in the CampusBattles is free of charge. The costs of the battles are borne by Studierendenwerk Paderborn in cooperation with partners. Partners are the inclusion brewery Josefs Bräu and the BOHO furniture workshop, which specializes in height-adjustable desks. Both are regional partners that fit well with university life, because Josefs is the first inclusion brewery in Europe to take on social responsibility and boho-moebel.de, as an office outfitter with regional roots, offers solutions for long hours of working at a desk - a problem that many people face students face.
